Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Return From East of Eden

Daily Scripture
Genesis 4:16
Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.”

I’m through running! I’m through running!” Those words came half a century after he started running. I’ve just read about a man who grew up in a Spirit-filled church and came to the Lord when he was about 15. But he didn’t nurture his salvation. He soon left home, enticed by the attractions of this world. He took a job at a Chrysler plant in Detroit – then in its heyday as the car capital of the world. He became a career auto worker, drank beer with his cronies, hunted deer, and led a “good” life instead of a “God” life. Finally, after 50 years of carousing and having fun, he came to the end of his rope at 75 years old. He found a Spirit-led church like the one he knew as a preacher’s kid and went in one Sunday morning. At the altar call, he ran up front sobbing. All he could get out through his sobs were the words, over and over, “I’m through running!” He didn’t say “I’m tired running” or something similar that may not have reflected an unshakeable decision to come back to Jesus Christ. “I’m through running!” has but one meaning: This is it. If Jesus will take me back, I’m determined to serve Him for the rest of my life.

Take Action!
Yes, Jesus through God’s Spirit took him back into His holy presence. This man died at 87, having centered his dozen remaining years on God. Tears filled my eyes when I read his story, because mine largely parallels his. When I hit bottom I, like this man, was through running and went to the altar of a Spirit-led church. Now Cain’s circumstances were starkly different from the old man I’m writing about and from my own. The man chose to walk away, then come back. I never came to God in the first place until I made the decision that turned my life around. Cain had no choice. He’d poured his brother’s blood out on the ground, and God banished him forever from His presence. 

Come into His Presence
Father God, we rejoice that You are a God who freely forgives. Quite unlike the so-called “gods” of Islam, Buddhism, and many other religions, You gratefully take us back like lost sheep when we go astray. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

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