Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Saturday, May 7, 2016

May 7 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
The Best Teacher

Daily Scripture
Matthew 7:28-29
And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.”

This morning I read a heartwarming story of a great fourth-grade teacher in Florida, told from the point of view of her students. Their stories, accompanied with pictures the students themselves took of their classroom, is a refreshing change from the usual tiresome political news. This teacher clearly expects a lot from her class, especially in the area of writing a good essay – in 4th grade. But she makes it fun and not drudgery for those 9-year-olds. I’ve taught off and on for decades, and the feedback I’ve gotten through the years tells me I’m a good teacher. We’ve often heard the adage, “Experience is the best teacher.” That carries more than a grain of truth. But none of the foregoing comes even close to pointing out the best teacher. That teacher, of course, is Jesus Christ.

Apply God’s Word
So who is the greatest teacher? It’s a no brainer, of course. Jesus’ ministry, including healings and exhortations like “come to Me… and I will give you rest”, carries great weight down to our day. His compassion for the disadvantaged represents a vital lesson for all of us. Even His rebuffs of the religious leaders in his society need to be taken to heart as lessons in avoiding arrogance. Among Jesus’ most memorable legacies, ones that I try to apply in my own teaching are His methods for getting His points across. Telling parables and asking “think-about-it” questions are wonderful examples for us to emulate. Of course, Jesus’ teaching didn’t come to an end with His death at Calvary. He gave us a Paraclete, the Holy Spirit. John tells us in 14:26 that the Holy Spirit “will teach you “all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I [Jesus] said to you.” Our task is to learn and remember to listen for His still, small voice and to meditate on His words.

Come into His Presence
Lord God, help me to share my knowledge sensitively, humbly, and at the right times with others. And when I am wrong – I freely admit I am sometimes – help me to correct myself. I accept Your correction, knowing it will make me a better person. In Jesus name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

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