Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Hang In There

Daily Scripture
Psalm 79:4 (HCSB) 
"We have become an object of reproach to our neighbors, a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us."

In the midst of Israel's persecution, the neighboring nations looking on wondered about their God, in whom they boasted so proudly. As their cities were plundered, their captors taunted them about their faith, asking, "Where is your God now?" Asaph, a worship leader, kept encouraging the Israelites to remember the great works of God, and teach it to their children, even when all seemed hopeless. Even in the midst of persecution when God seemed to be further away than the Andromeda Galaxy. The nations laughed and scorned Israel, and I'm not so sure that a number of Asaph's fellow Jews weren't disenchanted and joined in with the scorning of the other faithful, as well. Sometimes the most mockery a person can receive is from their own family. Growing up, I watched as my parents held onto their faith in God, even when we were in need. I saw as the rest of the family ridiculed them because, after all, isn't God supposed to take care of His own? But their distorted view of Christianity did not shake my parent's faith, although it was hurtful. They hung in there and we saw God come through for us like never before. Sure we went without a lot of wants, while it seemed the rest of our family had everything they wanted. But we never went without what we needed, and when we got what we wanted, we were grateful, as opposed to the others who took everything for granted. We knew Jesus was our portion, and He was enough for us.

Apply God’s Word
Do you find yourself in a similar situation? Is your faith being tested and tried in the fires of persecution? Do friends and family find it weird that you still hang onto your faith in God, even when everything in your life seems to become unraveled? Have you heard people say of you, "He/She just holds onto Christianity as a crutch"? If so, rejoice (see Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2-4). God has not left you. Don't get defensive, even though it's easier said than done, and I've been there many, many times. I find, though, that getting defensive and trying to defend my position gets me deeper into the hole. Instead, let God fight your battles. Let others laugh, mock, scorn. You follow God and things will work out in your favor. Eventually, either on this side of heaven, or the next, God will show you why things are the way they are.

Come into His Presence
Lord Jesus, we are all control freaks who want to know everything right now. We get frustrated when it seems that You are far away, when You're really right by our side. Help us to quiet down so we can recognize what You are doing in our lives, and then allow You to be King. Forgive us for our doubting You. Thank You for Your patience with us. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

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