Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     

Daily Scripture
Psalm 111:2, 10 (HCSB) 
The Lord's works are great, studied by all who delight in them... The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His instructions have good insight. His praise endures forever."

It is inevitable that when one truly studies God Himself, and His ways, one is always drawn to revere Him with all of their heart. The word for fear, in verse 10 actually means to show reverence. Sure there is a healthy fear that teaches us that God is all-powerful, and can create life, and destroy the same according to His will. He humbles the arrogant, but is near and listens to the humble. For it is when we humble ourselves, to hear His voice, that we are on our way to understanding the fear of the Lord. The more we revere Him, through study, prayer and experience, the more it causes us to desire to further spend time with Him in study, prayer and experience. In other words, we become addicted to the Lord and everything else takes a back burner.

Take Action!
In order for this to occur, we must realize that it is not we who have control over anything, especially over God. There are some teachers and preachers who tell us that we can order God to do things, but this is not so. It is us who must humble ourselves and give all control over to the Lord. Therefore, in the midst of this thing we call life, it is important to get to know the Lord more than anything else. But we must count the cost and know that this sort of relationship takes true humility and a setting aside of our schedules to make time for Him. Jesus thought we were worth it to die for our sins. Do we therefore feel the need for studying His word, praying and spending time with Him to really get to know Him, as of equal importance? Your answer to this question will determine how close to our Lord you want to be. Furthermore, it will answer the question between humility or arrogance.

Come into His Presence
Lord, we know it is important for us to count the cost of being Your disciples, and everyone needs to answer this question for themselves. Make us Your disciples as we seek Your face. Cause us, Holy Spirit, to desire humility over our human arrogance. We do not have it all together, but You do. Cause us to desire You more than our next breath. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

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