Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Revive Us Again!

Daily Scripture
Psalms 85:4-7
Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Your anger toward us to cease. Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, Lord, And grant us Your salvation.”
God is looking for worshipers who are hungry for His presence, hungry for a renewal of His Spirit again! Are you hungry for Him? Here in Psalm 85 we read the Psalmist crying out for renewal, refreshing, restoration; even to the point of asking God questions and then praying that the answer will be His lovingkindness, grace, and mercy! In these 4 verses we not only hear the cry of the heart of this Psalmist and the nation he represents but also the confession of turning away from God.

Take Action!
Today, receive the challenge with me to openly repent, stir up hunger, and turn away from sinful ways so that we can humbly ask the Father to revive us again, to restore us to usefulness. The word ‘revival’ really means ‘to be made useful again.’ Pray for the people around you today too! Pray that the lost will be found, the religious will turn back to God, and revival would sweep our land: restoration, renewal, salvation!
Come into His Presence
Heavenly Father, begin with me. I repent of all of my sins before You and ask for Your grace and mercy. Will You be angry with me forever? Will You not revive me again so that I can rejoice in You? Show me Your glory, Jesus, and grant me Your precious salvation. In Jesus' Name I ask this, Amen.
Jarrod Herald

Email Jarrod
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     

Daily Scripture
Psalm 111:2, 10 (HCSB) 
The Lord's works are great, studied by all who delight in them... The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His instructions have good insight. His praise endures forever."

It is inevitable that when one truly studies God Himself, and His ways, one is always drawn to revere Him with all of their heart. The word for fear, in verse 10 actually means to show reverence. Sure there is a healthy fear that teaches us that God is all-powerful, and can create life, and destroy the same according to His will. He humbles the arrogant, but is near and listens to the humble. For it is when we humble ourselves, to hear His voice, that we are on our way to understanding the fear of the Lord. The more we revere Him, through study, prayer and experience, the more it causes us to desire to further spend time with Him in study, prayer and experience. In other words, we become addicted to the Lord and everything else takes a back burner.

Take Action!
In order for this to occur, we must realize that it is not we who have control over anything, especially over God. There are some teachers and preachers who tell us that we can order God to do things, but this is not so. It is us who must humble ourselves and give all control over to the Lord. Therefore, in the midst of this thing we call life, it is important to get to know the Lord more than anything else. But we must count the cost and know that this sort of relationship takes true humility and a setting aside of our schedules to make time for Him. Jesus thought we were worth it to die for our sins. Do we therefore feel the need for studying His word, praying and spending time with Him to really get to know Him, as of equal importance? Your answer to this question will determine how close to our Lord you want to be. Furthermore, it will answer the question between humility or arrogance.

Come into His Presence
Lord, we know it is important for us to count the cost of being Your disciples, and everyone needs to answer this question for themselves. Make us Your disciples as we seek Your face. Cause us, Holy Spirit, to desire humility over our human arrogance. We do not have it all together, but You do. Cause us to desire You more than our next breath. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 28 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Seeing Things as God Does

Daily Scripture
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
When we look closer at this verse, we fall short when trying to see naïve optimism. However, what we do see is a God that can bring good out of a bad situation. It took a measure of faith to see this as Paul was teaching it. The early church had been through great sacrifices to bring the Gospel to the known world. To look through Paul’s eyes and be able to say this means he had something all believers must learn. That’s a God perspective. When things were difficult for Paul, and believe me they were, he dug deep and pulled out an Isaiah 55. “God’s way are not our ways, and His thoughts are higher than ours”. WOW… God has thoughts concerning my situation? OH, yes He does.
Take Action!
Perspective can be tricky. You see, my perspective (or the way I see things) can be absolutely true to me. At the same time, that so-called factual perspective can be so far from truth that it’s frightening. It’s not easy to see things as God does. It’s a walk of faith when the world and everything it has is coming at us with full force to remain calm and see it how God does. But we can if we apply His Word. Let’s look at just a few and then how the Word counteracts them. The culture of beauty is all around us. And if you don’t look the look then your just not one of beautiful ones. Gag me will you? Sorry for the expression. My Bible tells me from 1 Peter 3:4, “rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God”.Here’s another one, success. If we were to survey many adult believers I wonder how they would respond to the question on success? Money, power, fame? Let’s look again for the answer in scripture. Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”. How about we test our perspective with God's? Read it for yourself in His Word.

Come into His Presence
Father, help me to see myself and all that is around me through Your eyes. Because what You see is not perspective, it's reality. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
Ed Herald
Senior Pastor

Email Pastor Ed
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 25 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
High Priest and King

Daily Scripture
Psalm 110:1-2 (HCSB) 
"This is the declaration of the Lord: 'Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool.' The Lord will extend Your mighty scepter from Zion. Rule over Your surrounding enemies."

The psalmist wrote this psalm concerning David's dynasty, but it is prophetic in nature because it's ultimately Messianic in nature. In other words, everything written here is fulfilled in Jesus (see the entire book of Hebrews with special emphasis on chapter 5). God the Father is talking to Jesus, Who is God the Son. Verse four speaks of how the Messiah is a King like Melchizedek, which when translated meansKing of Righteousness. Melchizedek is first mentioned in fourteenth chapter of Genesis, and he is called the priest of the Most High God. Since the first-century church saw the Old Testament as being fulfilled in Jesus Christ, as true Christians also do. Ultimately Jesus becomes Lord of all. His death, burial, resurrection, ascension into heaven and coronation as the righteous King has proven that He is indeed Lord of all.
Take Action!
No matter how life is on earth; no matter who seems to be in control; ultimately Jesus is Lord of all, and He is God. He is everywhere, knows everything and is all-powerful. He was with God in the beginning (see John 1:1-14) and is here now. This should encourage every believer to know that God is near. He is just a breath away. No matter what you may be going through, Jesus is available day or night. I once was at a low point in my ministry, when I read on a church sign, "God is up all night..." That was all I needed to read. I remember feeling grateful that Jesus was there with me. That night I poured out my heart to Him. You can too. No matter who you are, be grateful if you are a believer because Jesus, the High Priest and King; Lord of all, is here with you right now!

Come into His Presence
Father, I rejoice in You! Thank You for being there for me. Thank You for being my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me for all of my sins and all of the times I have tried to be in control, knowingly or unknowingly leaving You out of my decisions. I ask You to be Lord of my life. I surrender to You today. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
The Anointed

Daily Scripture
Isaiah 61:1-2
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of theLord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn.”
He is anointed. Some Bible students opine that “He” refers to a prophet contemporary with Isaiah – perhaps Ezra. Now to Nazareth and Luke 4:16-20. Jesus, just starting his ministry, is standing in the synagogue. The leader hands Him a scroll, which the Son of God unrolls to the prophet Isaiah. Jesus reads the passage in today’s scripture. He rolls up the scroll, hands it back to the synagogue leader, and sits down. He explains who is really anointed in the following verses. “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears... No prophet is accepted in his own country…” Jesus emphasizes that Israel had a history of mistreating her prophets. By mentioning the widow from Sidon and a Syrian leper who accepted the ministry of Elijah and Elisha, Jesus drives home the point that because the Hebrews turned their backs on these men of God, He sent the prophets to minister to two Gentiles. Jesus’ words of condemnation do not go well. His audience in the synagogue is “filled with wrath”, Luke 4:28. The residents of His home town try to kill Him, but He escapes their clutches and leaves, perhaps for the last time.

Take Action!
It was a custom in Israel to anoint – mashach– a new king with fragrant oil poured over his head, running down his beard, over his shoulders... the anointed one was a mashiyach– from which comes our word Messiah. The magi came from the east to worship the new King and present him with gifts worthy of a king in Matthew chapter 2. Now the Messiah has anointed us a nation or kingdom of kings and priests, Revelation 1:6, 5:10. What must we do with our anointing? The answer is found in today’s verses: minister to the halt, the lame, the brokenhearted, to bring hope to those overcome with grief – and to proclaim the grace of Jesus to as many as will listen.

Come into His Presence
Our Lord Who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities, thank you for pouring that fragrant oil over our heads and anointing us to carry on the work you did while You were in the world. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 21 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
God Uses One for Many

Daily Scripture
Isaiah 59:21
As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.”
I have seen in my own life how changes can be made to develop a lifestyle that follows Christ. My mother introduced me to God through church when I was very young (she was "the one" in my past). It wasn't actively being pursued, but I knew my family believed in Christ and I knew there was a right way to live. That's not to say that I didn't push those limits growing up (especially as a teenager/young adult), but I always had this voice inside of me calling me to come back and do what I knew was right. As I moved into adulthood and became a mother myself, that call got stronger. I experimented with churches, and attended mostly on the "special holidays". I had an episode in my life that made me fall pretty hard, and the only way up was to look into the face of Jesus. I made the decision that it was time that I committed myself to finding a church home because I needed God regularly in my life. I became "the one" God used to make a change and now, my entire family is devoted to Christ, involved in church regularly, and I have grandchildren that are being brought up with more faith and trust in God than I ever had at their age. I truly believe that greater things are yet to come for them because of the foundation that their life is being built on.

Take Action!
If you can relate to this in any way, know that it is NEVER TOO LATE to change the way you have been living or the way you have been doing things, and commit your life to Christ to do better. Believe me when I say that the people around you need to have more of Jesus, and you may be "the one" He uses to make a difference for their future. You may never know the full impact that you are making in someone else's life by living yours for Christ; in some ways you don't need to... God is the one that causes the changes (therefore we can't brag upon ourselves). Our responsibility is to be obedient to His will, and do what He requires us to do.
Come into His Presence
What an amazing God You are! Thank You that You love us enough to make the crooked paths straight, forgive us of our mistakes, and that You turn the curses around to bless the many. Let us be "the one", God! Amen

Kalyn Petersen
Greeter Ministry Director

Email Kalyn
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Saturday, August 20, 2016

August 20 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Who God Uses

Daily Scripture
2 Kings 7:4-5
If we [4 lepers sitting at the city gate] say, ‘Let us enter the city,’ the famine is in the city, and we shall die there. And if we sit here, we die also. So now come, let us go over to the camp of the Syrians. If they spare our lives we shall live, and if they kill us we shall but die.’ So they arose at twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians. But when they came to the edge of the camp of the Syrians, behold, there was no one there.”
These lepers sat at the gate outside the Hebrew city day after day, destitute and without hope. The Hebrews shunned the lepers in their midst, recognizing leprosy as a kiss of death. Meanwhile God had sent the Syrian army (2 Kings 6) to punish the Hebrews. The result was famine in a besieged city without food. The lepers saw that entering the city would gain them nothing. They decided to slip into the Syrian camp where food and other provisions just might be found, knowing they’d probably die at the hands of their enemies. When they reached the camp of the Syrian army they found to their astonishment that the camp was empty! So they helped themselves to food and drink, silver, gold, and clothing. These 4 men reported back to the gatekeepers of the Israeli city that the Syrians had fled after “hearing” a God-engineered tumult of chariots and horses in 2 Kings 7:6. The Hebrews suspected a Syrian trap, so they sent two warriors to investigate. Their caution perhaps stems from a remembrance of how Joshua had used a similar tactic to overrun the city of Ai in Joshua 8. Were the Syrians now turning the tables in the Israelis? The spies reported back that the road out of the camp was littered with garments and weapons that the Syrians threw away in haste as they got out of there. The Hebrews flooded into the enemy’s camp and helped themselves to the Syrians’ goods, including ample food. The famine was over.

Take Action!
The account in today’s scripture dramatically demonstrates how God uses destitute but sold-out people to accomplish a great work in His kingdom. We don’t have to be “great” as the world defines greatness to do God’s work. But we do need to be sold out – our lives totally wrapped around the affairs of God. I used to want to be “great.” No longer. I long to be attentive to God’s voice and obedient. Don’t you?

Come into His Presence
Lord God, let us strive to listen to You and obey. Help us to keep in mind that success in society’s eyes is no prerequisite to doing a mighty work in Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Audience of One

Daily Scripture
Psalm 112:1- (HCSB) 
"My life is down in the dust; give me life through Your word. I told You about my life, and You listened to me; teach me Your statutes. Help me understand the meaning of Your precepts so I can meditate on Your wonders. I am weary from grief; strengthen me through Your word."

The psalmist feels down and in need of a listening ear and guidance. He also points out that God took the time to really listen to him when He approached Him. Not only that, but he took solace in knowing that there is both life and strength in God's word. We call it the Bible. In these verses, the psalmist knew that deception and confusion is not from God, but rather truth and clarity. The problem is that people want clarity and God's answer on the fly... and they want it fast. This sort of relationship, like the psalmist would tell us, comes from spending lots of time with God, instead of using Him as some sort of fire extinguisher when the fires of life come at you. That's why most give up on God because they don't get His answer in their time.

Take Action!
Start today. Don't wait. Read your Bible and seek the face of God so you may know Him more and more. There is never an end to knowing Him. Learn to meditate on Him and His word. Don't use the Bible as a "quick fix." It never really works. God will never scream over the hustle and bustle of your life. Choices must be made. Sometimes it takes putting the cell phone down to spend time with the Lord by sitting quietly and listening to hear His voice. You may not hear something for awhile because you're so used to getting answers quickly. Learn the difference between a microwaved meal vs a good home-cooked one. The latter is always the best, and so is waiting on the Lord to understand His voice and His word.

Come into His Presence
Lord, I am so wanting to hear Your voice and understand Your word! I need an overhaul on my spirit from the Holy Spirit. Cause me to calm down and see You in the right perspective, and really learn to hear You. I need You, Lord. Redirect my listening and fix my wanter to want what You want. Thank You for not giving up on me. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 18 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     

Daily Scripture
Revelation 5:11-14
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.”
He is worthy to be praised! When we worship, it changes the atmosphere by ushering in the presence of God. Darkness is chased away when we praise and worship the King of all Kings. We can lay all our cares at His feet and behold His desire and ability to take care of every one of them. Worship is powerful because it connects the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within us, as heaven and earth become one at that moment in time. Open your heart and mind to receive the heavenly experience of communion and unity. When this happens, we cannot deny the spiritual presence that fills us, and we cannot stop the praises that He deserves. Miracles can take place in this environment as we "ALL" (fleshly people) come into agreement with the spiritual (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and we proclaim who God is, what He has done, and what He says to be truth.

Take Action!
Our sacrifice to the Lord is to declare His praises and to be humble and sorrowful for the sins we have committed. We bow before Him, asking for His forgiveness, and His mercy. He designed our bodies to worship Him and to be used for His glory. If you worship through music and singing, don't just sing the songs, but let the words that you are speaking penetrate into your soul. Let them remind you of who God is, and how wonderful He is to you. He honors our worship by freeing us from the things that bind or block us from His presence, and He meets with us right where we are. His grace and blessings abound when He hears us declare of His goodness and thank Him for our past, present and future. Declaring with every creature in heaven and on earth, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
Come into His Presence
Thank You, Lord, that You have given us the Holy Spirit to live within us. Through Him we become spiritual beings that can praise You along with the angels. Fill us, Lord, with your presence as we offer our bodies as a sacrifice of worship to You. In Jesus' name. Amen!

Kalyn Petersen
Greeter Ministry Director

Email Kalyn
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Crashing Down

Daily Scripture
Genesis 11:6-8
And the Lord said, ‘Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.’ So theLord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city.”
NIH plans to lift ban on research funds for part human, part animal embryos” was the first headline out of the newscaster’s mouth on today’s evening news on the venue I listen to. That stuff alarms me. Biological science is edging ever closer to being able to engineer a mouse by building a genetic complement from scratch. From mouse to…? Genetic engineering took a huge leap forward with the development around 1990 of a technique called CRISPR. In a nutshell, it enables a researcher to cut out a section from a strand of DNA and replace it with a different piece, potentially made up of DNA of the researcher’s choosing. CRISPR is by no means a perfect gene editing technique, but it’s far more precise than what they had before it came along. Pick up any biological or medical journal today and you’ll see prominently displayed ads for kits to apply CRISPR. Practically any scientist who knows how to use these widely available kits can now build a partially artificial gene. Now that the National Institute of Health (NIH), by far the biggest funder of biological science, has opened the floodgates for funds, we’ll hear more and more reports of genetic engineering in the popular news venues. “Part human”? Look out!

Take Action!
Admittedly, that’s not a very encouraging “Encouragement.” Take heart. We have Bible precedent for God’s never allowing a totally artificial string of genes to come to life in a synthetic organism. In any case, several decades of further research stands between the present and any attempt to build an animal. Now look at today’s scripture. God took away the people’s ability to communicate with one another, and they had to abandon the city and tower of Babel, leaving behind an unfinished skeleton. I hold a view that God will do a similar thing if mankind ever stands on the verge of creating an artificial flesh-and-blood man.

Come into His Presence
Lord God, I’m confident that you’ll never let become real a scary scenario like a group of researchers create totally artificial life. You’re still God on the throne! In Jesus’ name amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 16 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     

Daily Scripture
Psalm 119:25-28 (HCSB) 
"My life is down in the dust; give me life through Your word. I told You about my life, and You listened to me; teach me Your statutes. Help me understand the meaning of Your precepts so I can meditate on Your wonders. I am weary from grief; strengthen me through Your word."

The psalmist feels down and in need of a listening ear and guidance. He also points out that God took the time to really listen to him when He approached Him. Not only that, but he took solace in knowing that there is both life and strength in God's word. We call it the Bible. In these verses, the psalmist knew that deception and confusion is not from God, but rather truth and clarity. The problem is that people want clarity and God's answer on the fly... and they want it fast. This sort of relationship, like the psalmist would tell us, comes from spending lots of time with God, instead of using Him as some sort of fire extinguisher when the fires of life come at you. That's why most give up on God because they don't get His answer in their time.

Take Action!
Start today. Don't wait. Read your Bible and seek the face of God so you may know Him more and more. There is never an end to knowing Him. Learn to meditate on Him and His word. Don't use the Bible as a "quick fix." It never really works. God will never scream over the hustle and bustle of your life. Choices must be made. Sometimes it takes putting the cell phone down to spend time with the Lord by sitting quietly and listening to hear His voice. You may not hear something for awhile because you're so used to getting answers quickly. Learn the difference between a microwaved meal vs a good home-cooked one. The latter is always the best, and so is waiting on the Lord to understand His voice and His word.

Come into His Presence
Lord, I am so wanting to hear Your voice and understand Your word! I need an overhaul on my spirit from the Holy Spirit. Cause me to calm down and see You in the right perspective, and really learn to hear You. I need You, Lord. Redirect my listening and fix my wanter to want what You want. Thank You for not giving up on me. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705