Today’s Devotional Theme Supernatural Really Happens! Daily Scripture Ezekiel 37:6-7
“’And I will lay sinews upon you [dry bones], and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am theLord.’ So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone.”
Back in my days as a practicing scientist, I was no believer in miracles. I didn’t ridicule miracles like some of my atheistic friends did – after all I was always convinced the flow of the universe was governed by some kind of organizing force that defied explanation. But up close and personal supernatural happenings? Uh-uh. Then Jesus Christ became an active part of my life. I started avidly reading the Bible they gave me when I was saved. Skeptical at first, I learned to either believe the Bible or say it’s a fantasy. Obviously the latter wasn’t an option. So I came around to embrace miracles.
Take Action!
Ezekiel was not merely an observer in God’s breathing life into the dry bones lying in the valley. He was a participant! On God’s command, he prophesied life into the bones. The mental picture conjured by this event sends deep chills up my spine every time I read it. Recently missionaries Bill and Judy Swindle came back with a thrilling story from Thailand about someone with a deformed ankle. They prayed that the ankle would be healed. They could actually feel the bones rearranging and coming into alignment. That person hobbled into the healing session with a lame foot on a 2-inch-shorter leg and walked out with the leg the right length and the bones now in place. Judy didn’t just watch it happen, she felt the bones realigning under her hands! She was a participant in the healing. They came back bearing dozens of reports of verified miracles. Why don’t we witness more supernatural events like these in our country? I honestly can’t give a good answer. I think when we learn to visualize the miracle happening when we pray for someone, we’ll experience more miracles. When we can truly expect it and go out on a flimsy limb with an “impossible” prayer… Can Victory and like-minded fellowships be participants in supernatural happenings like those happening south of the border and across the sea?
Come into His Presence
Lord God, since rebuilding my life around Jesus Christ and anticipating, nay experiencing, the power of Your Spirit, I freely acknowledge the reality of miracles. I left my scientific skepticism far behind. Make Victory a church that passionately expects the Holy Spirit to freely work healings and other supernatural happenings both inside and outside the four walls. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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