Today’s Devotional Theme Live Free From the World's Influence Daily Scripture 3 John 2
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”
This verse uses a word that all of are familiar with. It’s a word that we try to become in order to live a long and prosperous life. Our society is somewhat fixated on this word. It’s the word health. This particular word comes from Greek word hugiaino. Its where we get the English word hygiene. It simply means to be free from disease, germs and sickness.
Apply God’s Word
We live in a world where there are serious infections all around us. In recent years we have even heard of cases where patients admitted to the Hospital for a small procedure can come in contact with something that caused then to become sicker than the reason they were admitted. This is not common, but it can happen. Now, let’s look at the world around us that is pressing us from every side to live under its sickening influence. Doubt, fear, unforgiveness, greed and many more things are out there looking for a host to attack. God is calling us to live free from these things and be in health.
Come into His Presence
Father, today I will face the challenges of the environment I work and live in. Many influences are all around me and today I declare my immunity from every attacking germ the enemy has for me. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
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