Today’s Devotional Theme Prepare Your Heart Daily ScriptureJob 11:13, 15, 17-18
“If you would prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward Him… Then surely you could lift up your face without spot; Yes, you could be steadfast, and not fear… And your life would brighter than noonday, Though you were dark, you would be like the morning. And you would be secure, because there is hope; Yes you would dig around you, and take your rest in safety.”
We’ve all had dark days. I’ve certainly had (more than) a few in my seven-plus decades of life. Yet the Bible bristles with relief for our gloom, with hope for dark days to turn bright as the noonday. One of our recent few dark days happened when our basement flooded and we’ve had to spend many thousands of dollars of retirement funds to restore it. God said to me, “Chin up, this too shall pass.” I was prayed over that although the devil stole our money and our joy, God would restore both with more than we had before. More money? Not necessarily. But He will make us stronger and better equipped to deflect the stones and arrows of the adversary the next time he assaults us. The storm clouds are breaking; broad arrows of sunlight are shooting through. Are you in distress and darkness as you read this devotion? Prepare your heart and stretch out your hands as Job did. God will burn away your storm clouds and let the sun beam down on you as He has for us.
Apply God’s Word
Perhaps the most famous scripture promising us relief from our misery is Lamentations 3:22-23, here freely interpreted: “The Lord’s mercies never run out like a battery does, nor does His tender care fail. His mercies are renewed every morning; He is ever faithful to wipe our tears away and tell us, “Hey, chin up, I’m making things better for you. If you’ll let go of your distress and suffering, I’ll surely straighten your crooked path and bring you joy and hope for the future.” Like the promise in Lamentations, Job’s friend (and frequent critic) Zophar brings Job manifold hope and promises from God. If you’re in emotional pain, prepare your heart, swallow your pride, and stretch out your hands toward God. Let Him wipe away your tears and promise you better days ahead.
Come into His Presence
Our Father, ever touched with the feelings of our infirmities, I thank You that we can lift our sad faces and stretch our hands toward You. Through You we acknowledge we are secure, and we have hope and safety from the stones and arrows of the devil. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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