Today’s Devotional Theme How Green Is Your Grass? Daily Scripture 2 Corinthians 10:12-13
“Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you.”
If you’re like me, sometimes the grass in your neighbor’s field looks greener than yours. I’ve occasionally fallen prey to envying those in the church who have more money than I do, who drive nicer cars than I do, who in short have the financial flexibility to do things in the kingdom that are off limits to me. That’s my natural man or flesh talking. It doesn’t please God. The Lord wants us to tend our fields according to the principles set forth in His word. And if we ask as Jabez did in 1 Chronicles 4:10, He will enlarge our boundaries and by extension the boundaries of our church community.
Take Action!
In today’s scripture, Paul mentions another work of the flesh besides casting eyes of envy toward those who appear to be better off than we are. I’m thinking of people who pat themselves on the back because they see themselves as smarter or better looking or holding down more responsible jobs than those around them. We’re urged to “boast” only in what God is doing for us, not in how much further along in our walk with God we perceive ourselves to be. Back to our field analogy. If we have weeds in our field, we need to pull our weeds. When we notice a new believer’s field of ministry is small and more brown than green, our calling should be to gently instruct that new believer in how to tend and cultivate his or her field and expand his or her boundaries – not pushing or trying to railroad the person just embarking on their walk with God, but offering advice with discernment. At the same time we are expected to cultivate our own field, looking to our neighbor’s not to envy how luxuriously it’s flourishing, but to get understanding of how to make ours healthier.
Come into His Presence
My God and Father, help me to put down my flesh, especially my tendencies toward jealousy and envy. I know these things displease You, but sometimes I act on what feels good instead of on spiritual things. Let me regard my neighbor’s field only to see how to grow my own better, not to wish my field looked just like my neighbor’s. In Jesus’ name amen.
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