Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 16 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Benefits of Scripture - Part 2

Daily Scripture
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

All scripture! Not just the parts we like best. I certainly can’t list Leviticus among my favorite books. Reading all those laws the Jews had to hold to is, to say the least, tedious for most of us. Beneficial? Really! If nothing else, those arcane, sometimes seemingly silly laws give us perspective on how Jesus, by fulfilling the law – Matthew 5:17 – made living a Godly life infinitely easier for believers from the first century onward than it was for the ancient Jews. So, like food that many of us don’t relish (turnip greens or rutabagas, anyone?), some scripture aimed at a near Eastern society thousands of years ago hardly rings true to us today. For that reason, maybe we should get out our commentaries now and then and bend our hand to the plow, plowing through those chapters full of names, territories assigned to the twelve tribes (for example Ezekiel 48), and genealogies of Bible characters. In this devotion, however, we’ll look at the 3 words “reproof,” “correction,” and “instruction” in today’s scripture.

Apply God’s Word
First, a comment on “all scripture is given…” A few translations like the old English Revised Version, translate it this way: “all scripture given by God is…” See the enormous difference in meaning? This version says in effect that not all scripture is God-breathed! Although technically the Greek might allow the RV interpretation, it flies in the face of other scriptures and goes against the grain of the whole word of God. “Reproof” in today’s scripture means chastisement or even punishment for misbehavior. “Restoration to an upright state in God’s eyes” represents the 5-syllable, 50-cent Greek word translated correction in today’s verse. And the word rendered as “instruction” carries a whiff of child or pupil being schooled in some area – in this instance, in righteousness or how to hold onto that upright state that correction brings. Altogether, Paul’s words to Timothy served as a reminder to his young disciple and a set of guidelines for Timothy to convey to individuals and churches he oversaw. And they are just as pertinent to our lives today.

Come into His Presence
Father God, we thank you for Your word to soak in, meditate on, incorporate into our character as Christians, and to pass on as instruction to those we may disciple. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

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