Today’s Devotional Theme Change The Lens! Daily Scripture Acts 9:1-20
All photography and camera enthusiasts know that to get the picture you want, you must have the right lens attached to your camera. You need an adjustable lens, not a fixed lens. The problem with a fixed lens is that you must be at the precise distance at the precise moment to get your shot. An adjustable lens gives you the flexibility to make multiple shots of the same shot on the fly. You can adjust what you see and shoot.
That's nice, but what in the world does that have to do with serving? Great question! Actually, the perfect question! Are you ready for the response to the question? Ready or not, here it comes! Most people have a fixed lens they use when it comes to viewing service and serving. We view it through the fixed lens of our own agendas, schedules, and presumptuous about serving. We need to trade in our fixed lenses for adjustable ones.
Apply God’s Word
Many times individuals choose to not serve because they can't see how they can take on another project. Those individuals see the difficulty of serving before they consider the call to serve. Many good people miss great God opportunities because they didn't change the lens they were viewing through. In the scripture account for today, we find a man whose focus was so fixed that it took a supernatural encounter to adjust his viewpoint. Let God change your viewpoint towards serving today! Don't wait for a divine intervention.
Come into His Presence
Father, help me to be willing to serve. Help me to put on the lens that You see through! Let my focus be the same as Yours! In Jesus' name, amen.
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