Today’s Devotional Theme Off Sides!
Daily Scripture Psalm 60:1, 12 (HCSB)
"God, You have rejected us; You have broken out against us; You have been angry. Restore us!...With God we will perform valiantly; He will trample our foes."
In a football game, when a defensive lineman jumps over the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped, the referee calls, "Off Sides," and that is a five-yard penalty against the defending team. David, when he was winning battles in the north, heard that Israel's enemies had been routed in the south, and accused God of rejecting them (see vs 1-3). But then, when he heard about God taking care of business in the south by routing the Edomites, he begins praising God and speaking of His goodness, as if he never doubted God in the first place.
Apply God’s Word
Sometimes we hear the bad news and immediately jump to the conclusion that God is not for us. Sometimes it is difficult for us to check out a particular situation until the evidence has become clear. It's in times like these that we shouldn't be so quick to believe the lies of the devil when he tells us that God has forgotten us. Israel was God's chosen people. He was their Father, as He is ours. When we receive bad news, instead of hurling accusations at God, let's turn to Him and ask Him how He is working in our situations. I know, I know...easier said than done. But let's try something different. God is always there no matter what, no matter the outcome.
Come into His Presence
Father, help us to not jump off sides when it comes to receiving bad news. But rather, let us turn to You and trust that You will work all things out for Your glory. Thank you for when times work out in our favor, but strengthen us to be able to understand how You are working when they are not. In Jesus' name, amen.
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