Victory's EDIFY Devotional

Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
God is Worthy

Daily Scripture
Psalm 65:1-2 (HCSB) 
"Praise is rightfully Yours, God in Zion; vows to You will be fulfilled. All humanity will come to You, the One who hears prayer."

God alone is worthy to receive all praise. The psalmist gives many scenarios for this. Among all of the aspects of creation, the most important aspect of God is that He hears us when we pray to Him. This must have been very encouraging to the psalmist's original audience, and since the psalms are an official book of prayer and worship, people can find hope in the fact that God listens. God indeed listens when we come to Him. All of creation shouts that He is worthy of all praise!

Apply God’s Word
When I feel like God is far away from me, the truth of the matter is what the Bible says. God's word is our rule for faith and practice, so I can believe that God not only sees me, but that He listens to me when I pray. Additionally it is up to me to quiet my spirit down to listen to Him talk back, because prayer is a two-way conversation between us and God. Many people may be great examples of Godliness, but only God is worthy of our prayers, worship and praise!

Come into His Presence
Lord, You are worthy of my praise. Creation worships You with all of its aspects, which You have created. You are holy, and I am thankful that You are there for me always because I could never make it without You. Thank You for never giving up on me. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Divine Citizenship

Daily Scripture
Psalm 84:4-7 (HCSB) 
"I will mention those who know Me: Rahab, Babylon, Philistia, Tyre, and Cush--each one was born there. And it will be said, 'This one and that one were born in her.' The Most High Himself will establish her. When He registers the peoples, the Lord will record, 'This one was born there.'...Selah...Singers and dancers alike will say, 'My whole source of joy is in you.'"

This psalm is a rejoicing that all nations will come and worship the Lord (see Psalm 86:9). In the Old Testament, God chose Israel to be a storybook of His greatness to the nations, and He chose Jerusalem, which sits on Mount Zion, to be the place of worship. The temple was the central point, or The Church, for the early Jewish people. But then God takes an interesting twist that Jesus, Who is God the Son, later sets forth in the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:20). Jesus tells His disciples to go into the world and make disciples, thus bringing, in a sense, Mount Zion to them. This shows two things about the Lord: 1) He reaches out to the world, and 2) He draws in all those who will respond to Him. Now Jew and Gentile, alike, can be called His people (see Acts 10-11:18). But this psalm also looks forward prophetically to a heavenly Jerusalem where all of God's people, Jew and Gentile, come to worship Him (see Revelation 21:9-22:21). This has not happened yet. This third part of the psalm looks forward to things that are yet to come.

Apply God’s Word
Hallelujah!!! God is still in the salvation business today, and you can be a Jew or a Gentile (If you are not a Jew, you are a Gentile) to be eligible! Turn to Jesus while there still is time to do so. Jesus will never deny anyone who comes to Him humbly. If you are tired and weary of trying to live life on your own, come to Him (see Matthew 11:28). The good news is that your citizenship is sealed in heaven when you come to Christ and let Him be your Lord and Savior. Now a word of warning: If you are only looking to Jesus as Savior and not Lord of all of your life, you have missed the whole thing. Sure He is Savior and will save you from going to hell for eternity. But He must also be your Lord, and, as a pastor once said, "If Jesus isn't Lord of all, He's not Lord at all." Let those words sink in a minute. God's people, His spiritual Israel, is anyone who has turned their lives over to Him completely. This doesn't mean perfection, but it does mean that you allow the Lord access to every part of your life and He will work His holiness in you. The good news there is that you don't have to grit your teeth and try just have to submit and allow Him to work the impurities out of your life. There's a fancy theological word for that. It's called sanctification. It's the process of falling and looking to God to pick you up, dust you off and walk with you. We fall, and we get right back up in His strength (see Proverbs 24:16-18).

Come into His Presence
Lord, thank You for Your mercy in including the Gentiles in Your great salvation plan. We pray for all of the nations to know You, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. Bust through the religious and governmental walls that have stood against You, holding their people captive. Cause a mighty world-wide revival to sweep across the entire earth. Thwart the plans of the Devil. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Avoidable Tragedy

Daily Scripture
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

I first encountered Frank (not his real name) a few weeks into my 18-year stint as a 2-way radio technician. He was head of a county department which had close contact with the sheriff’s office. His responsibilities included seeing that the radio communications of these government functions remained robust. He was well known in our radio repair facility and had come in to visit with my boss, whom he’d known for years. Frank first struck me as a man a little too full of himself. However, as I got to know him better, I saw many of his good qualities – his unfeigned friendliness and interest in people – and I came to like him. A year or so later my wife and I bought our first house and discovered, to our surprise, that Frank was a near neighbor. He and family lived almost directly across the street. They had 2 children as we eventually did. Their daughter and ours were the same age and shared many of the same classes in school. One day a large, fancy boat showed up in Frank’s driveway, along with a big pickup truck to tow it. In the back of my mind I sometimes wondered how he could afford stuff like that on what I knew was a fairly modest salary. One warm day as we were returning home, we drove past Frank and his daughter walking together. I was struck by their sad countenances. A couple weeks later Frank pointed a revolver at his head and pulled the trigger. As events continued to unfold, we learned that he was under investigation for embezzling over $100,000 in county funds.

Apply God’s Word
What “encouragement” might come from this heartbreaking story in which a man I knew took his life, leaving behind a bereft and grieving family? Look at today’s scripture, in which Paul admonishes his young protégé to avoid a “root of all kinds of evil.” A love of money – money that was not his – formed the very root of Frank’s tragedy. 1 Timothy 6:10 is one of Paul’s most familiar – and most often misquoted – warnings. Money itself isn’t the root of greed and other sins; rather it’s many people’s inordinate quest for more and more money to buy things they can’t afford. Believers are not immune, and Frank was a believer. My hope and prayer is that anyone reading this devotion who is so enamored of money that they’ve considered gaining more by dishonest means will repent and ask God to take away this life-threatening lust.

Come into His Presence
Lord God, Who keeps to heart and provides all our daily needs, may we learn to be content with what You, in Your sovereignty, give us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Hang In There

Daily Scripture
Psalm 79:4 (HCSB) 
"We have become an object of reproach to our neighbors, a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us."

In the midst of Israel's persecution, the neighboring nations looking on wondered about their God, in whom they boasted so proudly. As their cities were plundered, their captors taunted them about their faith, asking, "Where is your God now?" Asaph, a worship leader, kept encouraging the Israelites to remember the great works of God, and teach it to their children, even when all seemed hopeless. Even in the midst of persecution when God seemed to be further away than the Andromeda Galaxy. The nations laughed and scorned Israel, and I'm not so sure that a number of Asaph's fellow Jews weren't disenchanted and joined in with the scorning of the other faithful, as well. Sometimes the most mockery a person can receive is from their own family. Growing up, I watched as my parents held onto their faith in God, even when we were in need. I saw as the rest of the family ridiculed them because, after all, isn't God supposed to take care of His own? But their distorted view of Christianity did not shake my parent's faith, although it was hurtful. They hung in there and we saw God come through for us like never before. Sure we went without a lot of wants, while it seemed the rest of our family had everything they wanted. But we never went without what we needed, and when we got what we wanted, we were grateful, as opposed to the others who took everything for granted. We knew Jesus was our portion, and He was enough for us.

Apply God’s Word
Do you find yourself in a similar situation? Is your faith being tested and tried in the fires of persecution? Do friends and family find it weird that you still hang onto your faith in God, even when everything in your life seems to become unraveled? Have you heard people say of you, "He/She just holds onto Christianity as a crutch"? If so, rejoice (see Matthew 5:10-12; James 1:2-4). God has not left you. Don't get defensive, even though it's easier said than done, and I've been there many, many times. I find, though, that getting defensive and trying to defend my position gets me deeper into the hole. Instead, let God fight your battles. Let others laugh, mock, scorn. You follow God and things will work out in your favor. Eventually, either on this side of heaven, or the next, God will show you why things are the way they are.

Come into His Presence
Lord Jesus, we are all control freaks who want to know everything right now. We get frustrated when it seems that You are far away, when You're really right by our side. Help us to quiet down so we can recognize what You are doing in our lives, and then allow You to be King. Forgive us for our doubting You. Thank You for Your patience with us. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
The Strength of My Heart

Daily Scripture
Psalm 73:25-26 (HCSB) 
"Who do I have in heaven but You? And I desire nothing on earth but You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever."

In this psalm, Asaph begins by sharing that he almost fell into the trap of envying the wicked and how it seems that they do so well in this life. He saw that it seems that they are outside of God's judgment, and also sees that they are prideful and thumb their noses at God by saying that He will never find out. Nothing in this life holds a candle to what the righteous will experience with God in the next. It's very difficult to see some pridefully easing their way through life while the rest of us have to work hard at it. Asaph had to remind himself that, though he may not have it as easy as others, he was still a child of God, and saw God as his sole provider. The Bible is full of stories of how God provided for His people in His time and way, while the things of this world have been slowly wasting away. This has not changed, nor will it ever.

Apply God’s Word
Someone once said, "The best things in life aren't things." Worldly possessions will fade, but those who depend upon the Lord as their portion will never be disappointed. I know that sounds rather churchy, but it's true. God never let's His people down. Understand that this life is the best that the wicked are going to have. Then it is over. We, on the other hand, have a sure thing with God, that we will spend eternity with Him. In fact, we don't even have to wait until the next life to enjoy unfettered fellowship with God if we rely upon Him for everything. As Psalm 37 tells us to not envy the prideful evildoers, but rather to trust in the Lord, so those who put Scriptures like that to the test will never be disappointed. Today, choose to see God as your portion, instead of envying the things, or life, you do not have. Let God prove to you His love today.

Come into His Presence
Heavenly Father, I am frustrated when I see the rest of the world prospering while thumbing their noses at You, and not even giving You the glory for being their provider, but thinking that they are self-made. I often think, "When, God? When will You make life easier on me and let me experience life to the fullest?" Please show me that experiencing life to the fullest has nothing to do with things or life being easy, but rather having You as my portion and allowing You to be in control of my entire being. Be my rock! Be my portion! Show me how to fully trust in You alone. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26 Edify Devotional

Today’s Devotional Theme     
Is God Unfair?

Daily Scripture
Matthew 20:1-2, 11-13
For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard… And when they had received it [the denarius], they complained against the landowner, saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’ But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go your way, I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.’”

If a parent with kids ages 12 and 8 gives the older child a $5 dollar allowance and the younger only $3, the 8-year-old may complain and say, “Mom, that’s so unfair! You’re giving him more than me!” Mom’s response may be, “Yes, and Andy’s older than you. When you’re a few years older, I’ll raise your allowance.” We people seem to have an inborn sense of fairness. However, what is fair in the kingdom of God goes against our logical notion of what is fair. When I first read the parable of the workers in the vineyard, I felt the owner of the vineyard was being totally unjust, giving all the workers including those who worked just one hour in the cooler evening the same, agreed-on one denarius. Only more recently could I see the kingdom justice in giving all the workers the same wage.

Apply God’s Word
Here’s how it works: In Jesus’ time, the standard wage for a laborer who did any work was one denarius. That was enough for that person to buy provisions for himself and his family for the next day. In other words, a denarius was the standard living wage. By that standard the vineyard owner paid all his workers what they needed to live on. This parable vividly illustrates the grace of God. Jesus didn’t introduce a new concept with His teaching on grace. He was actually applying to His time a characteristic of God that the sages of old knew well – an attribute that was well attested in the Old Testament. The realm of God’s grace (His favor freely given to meet our needs) is quite at odds with the world of merit-pay (more money for more work or higher-tier work).

Come into His Presence
Lord God, Who rules over all, we thank You for meeting our needs – and more than merely meeting them. You bless us bountifully and we bless You for being our God in abundant and lean times alike! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mark Bacon
Teacher & Mentor

Email Mark
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25 Edify Devotional

March 25, 2016

Today’s Devotional Theme     
I Will Remember

Daily Scripture
Psalm 77:10-12 (HCSB) 
"So I say, 'I am grieved that the hand of the Most High has changed.' I will remember the Lord's works; yes, I will remember Your ancient wonders. I will reflect on all You have done and meditate on Your actions."

Asaph felt as though God had changed in His dealings with His chosen people. He had felt that God had left them and forgotten the covenant He had made with them that they would be His people, and He would be their God. As can be seen clearly in this psalm, Asaph was torn. He had remembered the old days of worshiping the Lord with the songs he had written and seeing the Lord show up in power! But now it seemed as if he was all alone. In verse 10, he said how he felt. In verses 11 and 12, he said what he was going to do about it, and that was to focus on God's character and His word, rather than his feelings for the moment. He remembered the great wonders that God has done and probably remembered the Scriptures about how God does not change (see 1 Samuel 15:29). In doing so, he encouraged himself in God's faithfulness. He remembered the past markers of Israel's history and how God had come through for them, even when He had to discipline them, as He was doing now with the Assyrian army. This caused Asaph to focus on how God has not changed at all, but was still there. All Asaph had to do was redirect his focus, through meditation upon God's faithfulness, to see how the Lord was working in this particular situation. Then his sorrow turned to joy.

Apply God’s Word
It seems easier said than done, when it comes to redirecting our focus from the fiery trials of life and the sometimes deceptiveness of our feelings, to seeing how God is at work among us... and it is! That's where these "markers" come into play. Think of a time where God showed up powerfully in your life, or stories you've heard and read about, whether found in the Bible or told from some of God's people. Think about your own salvation experience and miracles you've experienced in the past. Most importantly, remember to interpret your situations in life through the lens of Scripture (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17), not the other way around. Whenever God did something great for the Israelites, they piled up rocks to mark occasions so they could look back and be reminded. Your pile of rocks could be a journal kept, or a favorite verse God has placed in your heart. Whatever the case, let us learn from Asaph's example and focus on God and His faithfulness. He is bigger than any of our problems.

Come into His Presence
Thank You, Father, for Your word that is always true and will never pass away. Thank You also for Your unchangeableness. That, even when we feel like You have left us to our own devices, Your word, the testimony of others, and our own testimony tell a different story. You've been here all along. Thank You for Your patience with us and for lifting us up when we fall. Help us to remember the different markers, points in our lives, where You've come through for us and others. In Jesus' name, amen.
Greg Minassian

Email Pastor Greg
Victory Christian Center
18180 US Highway 150
Bloomington, Illinois 61705