Today’s Devotional Theme Divine Citizenship
Daily Scripture Psalm 84:4-7 (HCSB)
"I will mention those who know Me: Rahab, Babylon, Philistia, Tyre, and Cush--each one was born there. And it will be said, 'This one and that one were born in her.' The Most High Himself will establish her. When He registers the peoples, the Lord will record, 'This one was born there.'...Selah...Singers and dancers alike will say, 'My whole source of joy is in you.'"
This psalm is a rejoicing that all nations will come and worship the Lord (see Psalm 86:9). In the Old Testament, God chose Israel to be a storybook of His greatness to the nations, and He chose Jerusalem, which sits on Mount Zion, to be the place of worship. The temple was the central point, or The Church, for the early Jewish people. But then God takes an interesting twist that Jesus, Who is God the Son, later sets forth in the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:20). Jesus tells His disciples to go into the world and make disciples, thus bringing, in a sense, Mount Zion to them. This shows two things about the Lord: 1) He reaches out to the world, and 2) He draws in all those who will respond to Him. Now Jew and Gentile, alike, can be called His people (see Acts 10-11:18). But this psalm also looks forward prophetically to a heavenly Jerusalem where all of God's people, Jew and Gentile, come to worship Him (see Revelation 21:9-22:21). This has not happened yet. This third part of the psalm looks forward to things that are yet to come.
Apply God’s Word
Hallelujah!!! God is still in the salvation business today, and you can be a Jew or a Gentile (If you are not a Jew, you are a Gentile) to be eligible! Turn to Jesus while there still is time to do so. Jesus will never deny anyone who comes to Him humbly. If you are tired and weary of trying to live life on your own, come to Him (see Matthew 11:28). The good news is that your citizenship is sealed in heaven when you come to Christ and let Him be your Lord and Savior. Now a word of warning: If you are only looking to Jesus as Savior and not Lord of all of your life, you have missed the whole thing. Sure He is Savior and will save you from going to hell for eternity. But He must also be your Lord, and, as a pastor once said, "If Jesus isn't Lord of all, He's not Lord at all." Let those words sink in a minute. God's people, His spiritual Israel, is anyone who has turned their lives over to Him completely. This doesn't mean perfection, but it does mean that you allow the Lord access to every part of your life and He will work His holiness in you. The good news there is that you don't have to grit your teeth and try just have to submit and allow Him to work the impurities out of your life. There's a fancy theological word for that. It's called sanctification. It's the process of falling and looking to God to pick you up, dust you off and walk with you. We fall, and we get right back up in His strength (see Proverbs 24:16-18).
Come into His Presence
Lord, thank You for Your mercy in including the Gentiles in Your great salvation plan. We pray for all of the nations to know You, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. Bust through the religious and governmental walls that have stood against You, holding their people captive. Cause a mighty world-wide revival to sweep across the entire earth. Thwart the plans of the Devil. In Jesus' name, amen.