Today’s Devotional Theme When The Devil Comes Knocking
Daily Scripture
John 8:44 “He (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
The devil can be sneaky and very subtle in his tactics. He can get into our mind and plant things there that are not true; yet if we are not careful, he can get us to think on these things and possibly believe them. We need to be aware of what we allow to come into our minds because it can infect our spirit. For example: Have you ever been in a situation where everything seems to be going wrong? A heaviness has come over you and you are feeling stressed, and consumed with a lot of negative emotions (sad, anxious, angry, fearful, depressed...) We have a tendency to collect the bad things one on top of another... "Just add that to the long list of the other things that are going wrong!" It's a mountain of doom and gloom! We start telling others about our situation... "and this, and this"... We are speaking curses upon ourselves, and instead of asking for prayer we receive sympathy and pity which is not the solution. I have called out to God... What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? Why am I acting like this? The Lord said, "It's because you have been hanging around with, and listening to, the devil speaking lies to you. There is nothing about him that is good, righteous, or pure... You have allowed him to play with your emotions and steal your joy!" Oh my... I thanked Him for the revelation, I repented which stopped the devil's influence, and received God's peace. Now the mountain I had built was only a mole hill in comparison to the truth.
Apply God’s Word
If the devil comes knocking at the door of your mind, turn the porch 'light of Jesus' on to reveal who it is that is trying to get in. Don't allow him to get a foothold within the door and enter in (Eph 4:27) Take captive the negative thoughts and emotions, and see things through the eyes of Christ who is the lover of your soul. This is the way to slam the door in the devils face, putting a stop to the things he is trying to get you to buy, lock the door, and put up a no trespassing sign so that he can't return!
Come into His Presence
God, help us to realize the temptations and lies of the devil, and to resist him IMMEDIATELY! We need You to stand guard at the door of our minds to help us filter out the thoughts that aren't from You. The devil is not welcome within our lives and we thank You that You have given us the power to resist him (Jas 4:7) and tell him to flee in Jesus' name! Amen.